It was nice to have a day on the road to rest up my legs from all the walking I did in Washington, DC.
I worried about the traffic on the Beltway around Washington, DC based on how bad and confusing it was every other time I visited. However, it was surprising reasonable this time.
Our next stop is Williamsburg, Virginia to visit Colonial Williamsburg. My daughter tells me I took her there probably 25 years ago, but I’m having a hard time remembering this place. I remember the road going to Williamsburg, but don’t remember any of the buildings, etc. Maybe because all these historical villages are all merging in my mind to being the same village? Or maybe back then I was concentrating on the two girls and whether they were happy instead of the where I was.
I wasn’t very impressed with Williamsburg. First of all, it was so huge and even though there was a shuttle bus running all day, it still required so much walking. My legs are protesting loudly. Second, the period actors/performers/demonstrators (I don’t know what to call them) were not very friendly. Perhaps after a summer full of tourists, they’ve had their fill of us. It showed in their expression and whenever they answered a question, and only a few cracked a smile or made eye contact.
This is another one of those places where you could take weeks to really see everything. Here are just the highlights to what I saw.

Did you see a smile or a “I love my job” in any of these photos?
We were given a 2 day ticket, but I need a day off. I walked another 4 miles around Williamsburg and my legs are telling me “no more”.
Sometimes at night we have a campfire. This was a nice fire, but the temperature dropped and it was hard sitting in the 40-50 degree chill, no matter how much wine you’ve had.