Around Quebec City

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The bus tour of Quebec City continued the next day and our first stop was the Sanctuaire Sainte Anne de Beaupré Shrine.  Saint Anne is the mother of the Virgin Mary, and Jesus’ grandmother.

The fountain in front of the entrance to Saint Anne’s.
Of course we had to pose for another group photo. That’s me on the left (shorties in the front), looking in another direction because Row-Jay doesn’t know how to take a photo.

This church was so large and ornate with fine details everywhere.  There were statues in every niche, pictures in the mosaic tiles on the floors, columns and ceilings and carvings on every pew.  It was overwhelming in the amount of work and detail.

This is what you see when you enter the shrine.
The ceilings are very detailed mosaic tiles. And there is stained glass everywhere.
Even the floors and columns are tiled as well.
A statue of Saint Anne.
A replica of Michelangelo’s The Pietà.
Each pew has a different wood carving of an northern American animal.
There are many lit candles in all of the churches we visited.
A couple of columns had a display of these old crutches and what looks like radiation masks. They must be a testament to healings attributed to Saint Anne.

There was even a the basement in the shrine with more statues, displays and artwork.

The chapel in the basement of the Saint Anne Shrine.
This is the back of Saint Anne’s, where the lighting was much better.
I’m not sure what the function was of this priest but he was pretty intent on checking his cell phone. He didn’t mind a photo op.

The next stop was Albert Gilles Cuivres d’Art (Copper Art).  He was the artist who made the copper etchings on the doors of the previous church, and he had a museum of sorts here with a depiction of the Stations of the Cross.

Our final stop was the Parc de la Chute-Montmorency (Montmorency Waterfall).  It was quite an active place.  You could walk up to the base of the falls, up the side of the bank, rock climb, or take a gondola up to the top.

A wide view to show the smaller falls off to the left There is a person standing in front of the main falls to give you perspective.
This is closer and gives you a good view of the suspension bridge overhead.

We then drove up to the top of the falls where you could walk over a suspension bridge over the falls, or even zip line over the falls.

And this view is from the bridge looking down over the falls.

All this took place on July 4th.  And since we were in Canada, this was the only fireworks I saw.

Cindy loves to bake and decorate cookies (yeah, in a motor-home). But what was extra special was that she made this gluten-free one especially for me.

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