A Rainy Day and Monday… in Boston

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It started raining last night and it’s not supposed to stop until after midnight tonight. It is a cold 64 degree rain. This is the view I looked at most of today…  rain drops on the bus window.

My view out of the bus window.

A bus first took us to North Boston to see quite a bit of early American history. We walked along most of the Freedom Trail,

The Freedom Trail is marked either with specially placed bricks or paint.

starting with Paul Revere’s house,

Paul Revere’s house in Boston, MA.  The guide said it was considered “fancy” by the Puritans of the day because of the decoration at the roof line.

to a statue of Paul Revere,

This is the statue of Paul Revere with the North Church in the background.

then on to the North Church where he most famously sent a signal of two lanterns to indicate that the British were coming by sea.

The North Church in Boston. Notice the narrow streets, narrow sidewalks and buildings so close to each other and the street.

This street was lined with garbage because it was garbage pickup day.  Apparently there isn’t room for dumpsters, so they are supposed to leave the garbage out on the sidewalks.  Strange.

At the end of the walk, we passed this “Skinny House” which is only 9 foot wide and is the narrowest house in the city.  It had something to do with 2 brothers, one taking too much and the other complaining “what about me?”.

The rest of the tour was on the bus. We drove past many famous Boston buildings and places, such as the “real” Cheers bar, the finish line of the Boston Marathon where the bombing took place, Boston Commons, several Gordon Ramsey restaurants, Boston Public Library, lots of brownstones, Fenway Park,

The Teammates statue outside of Fenway Park, Gate B.

and the Rose Kennedy Rose Garden. I liked the story about how someone at the Garden’s dedication asked the then 87 year old Rose Kennedy how she liked being 87 and she replied that it was just fine as she had no peer pressure.

We also saw the Granary Burying Ground where Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, the victims of the Boston Massacre, Ben Franklin’s parents, and Mary Goose (Mother Goose?) were buried. It is said that in the pub across the street, one can have a cold one with a cold one (a Samuel Adams beer near the grave of Samuel Adams). There seems to be a contest on this tour over who can tell the best (or worst) jokes. It keeps the rest of us laughing.

One of the old graveyards in Boston.

We were dropped of at Faneuil Hall and Quincy Market for lunch and shopping.

Faneuil Hall, in front of Quincy, had mostly shops, Quincy Market offered every kind of cuisine imaginable.

I found a Crocs store. What a rainbow of a selection!


After lunch, the bus took us to Lexington Battle Green in Lexington, MA where the opening shots of the American Revolution were fired, familiarly known as the “shot heard around world”.

A statue depicting one of George Washington’s Minutemen – ready in a minute to fight.

When I was there at Lexington, I found this sign amusing.  Really?  What’s being done?

When I returned to my RV for the night, I emptied my backpack and everything was either hung up or laid out to dry.  My dehumidifier is working overtime.

P.S. Happy Birthday Carolyn.

One Reply to “A Rainy Day and Monday… in Boston”

  1. Hey, Patty! I walked the Freedom Trail with my family on our trip in the 70s. Looks pretty much the same, but then I guess that’s the way history goes!.

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