Ferry to NL

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I left Cape Breton, Nova Scotia area today, and I’m headed for the island of Newfoundland.  The ferry was about 5 minutes down the road.  However, the ferry ride itself takes 6 hours.  That’s a lot of ocean to cover.

That’s my rig last in lane 15, approaching the ferry.

We had to arrive at the ferry 3 hours before departure – you know, one of those hurry up and wait adventures.  As we sat in the parking lot, I determined that there was no way all these semis, RVs and cars were going to fit into that boat.  But they stack the vehicles on 3 different levels.

The yellow stickers, upper left, identify our vehicles.
Into the belly of the beast.
We are stacked so close there is barely room to walk in between.

There are 7 more levels above the cargo levels.  It was much like a cruise ship.  If you wanted, you could book a cabin, but we just sat in reclining seats much like what you get on an airplane.  There was a coffee bar, restaurant and gift shop onboard.

This is looking down at the semis parked on the first level. Our rigs are down 2 more levels.

The ferry arrived at 6pm – luckily the campground was only 25 miles down the road.  That night gifted us with one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen.

Sunset at Grand Codroy RV Campground.

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