First Day

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Today is the first day of my new, wonderful RV adventure.  The timing seems right to head north because it’s getting hot in Florida.  We had such a long, cool, beautiful winter and spring.  Pumpkin and I started this ritual of going outside just after the girls left for school and sitting out on the patio in the morning sun, me drinking my coffee and him watching for squirrels.  But these last couple of weeks, it’s been hotter outside than inside in the air conditioning.  And with the heat comes the mosquitoes.

When I started out, I only had a quarter of a tank of fuel, and got sticker shock when I stopped to fill up.  Gas and diesel prices are ski high and predicted to get even higher.  So the first fill-up was 17 gallons at $5.58 a gallon for a total of $95.  Yikes!

Game plan today was to head north and reach Georgia.  I didn’t see much except lots of semis.  One semi driver was weaving in and out of traffic like he was driving a sports car.  Another was just a car’s length behind the car in front of him that he wasn’t out of his way.  I found it easier to stay in the right lane – seems the cross winds aren’t so bad there.

And what I remember about Georgia is the billboards.  As soon as you cross the state line, the billboards sprout like weeds.  Some are stacked up double, some are double high, most are about 500 feet apart, and on both sides of the highway.  What a way to remember a state.

My campground tonight is Reed Bingham State Park near Adel, Georgia.  Adel – that name looks like it’s either misspelled or cut short.  The park is beautiful, with lots of trees and water and hiking paths.  I walked a bit between the rain showers and came across these out of control vines down by the group shelter.

Out of control vines.