We left Diamond Lake and drove south and back around the West Rim of Crater Lake again.
This is the original Visitor Center where I used to work. Looks like it needs lots of renovation. During renovation, they have one room at the Rim and a trailer down at Annie’s Creek. Those 2 poles on the left are snow poles so the plows know where to plow. Yes, the snow gets that high in the winter.On our way out of the park, we stopped to see the Pinnacles. Imagine thick layers of ash flowing down off the volcano and steam trying to bubble up through the ash. The steam welds the ash into columns, then weather wears away the surrounding loose ash.
We pass so many mountains and are at a loss what their names are, but the next major one that you can’t miss is Mount Sasha.
North side of Mount Shasta, where there is still snow.
One of the towns along the way was Weed. They have a cute souvenir shop playing on Weed.
If my cousin was still alive, I’d get this shirt for her. Peace, dude!
We stayed at Railroad Park in Dunsmuir. Such a nice place!
Railroad Park. The red car is the restaurant, the green building is a gift shop. That’s Castle Crags in the background.The original owners collected railroad cars and created a complex with a dining car, cabooses to stay in and an RV park. This was an engine on display.There were also several caboose cars you could rent as an motel room.My favorite caboose – Erie, of course.We had dinner in the dining cars.Isn’t that beautiful! The food was good, the service great.I even loved the RV park with all it’s trees and space.I even had a chance to do my laundry in the Landury Room.