Cod Fishing

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On one of our free days, I signed up for cod fishing.  Boris took 4 of us out in his motorboat.  We didn’t go very far and this is what we used to fish with.

No fishing poles, just fishing line, a sinker and 3 fishing hooks.

He called it Norwegian jigging.  The process is that you let out this fishing line until the sinker hit the sea bottom.  He said it was around 130 feet.  Then you lift the sinker and hooks about 2-3 feet, then just jerk the line a bit – I think this is where the term jigging coming from.  There is no bait, and for some reason, you catch a fish.  Then you haul in the line and the fish doesn’t fight back at all.

I caught this after about 2 minutes of jigging.
We threw these “little” ones back.
Our partial catch. For some reason, Sam caught a mackerel, the small, green one on the left.
Our haul, and limit, for the day. That’s Tammy, me, Scott and Sam.
When we got back to the dock, the professional fisherman were processing their haul. Their fish were much bigger than ours because they were using bait and gill nets which allowed the smaller ones to escape.  Their haul filled the back of a pickup truck.  They take it to a Fish Truck about 10 km away, which then takes it to a Fish Plant about 900 km away.

I’m going to add this part about the wood piles in northern Newfoundland, because I don’t know where else to add it.  When we drive around the area, there are random wood piles alongside the road.  They don’t seem to be near anyone’s house.  Apparently they aren’t allowed to cut the nearby birch, and they probably don’t want to burn the soft, stunted spruce trees.  So they contract with the government for wood in the island’s interior.  It’s cut and a semi delivers the logs to a place they’ve claimed alongside the road.

It’s not necessary their land, but a spot they’ve claimed and everyone living here respects.
Then they cut it up, stack it and pick some up with they need it.

They also do the same thing with gardens.  Since it’s too rocky and salty to grow at their houses, they pick a spot along the road and put in a garden.  I’m thinking all this land belongs to the government.  There are few people up here, and they all respect the arrangement.


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