We are camping on the Bay of Fundy, which is the bay between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This bay is famous because it has the world’s highest tides. Where tides elsewhere in the world average 3 feet, they are 6 feet here and sometimes up to 40 feet. There was a boat dock next to our campground while in we were exploring Annapolis Royal. At high tide, the boats looked normal tied up at the dock. At low tide, they were laying on the ground.

Then we went to the Fundy Discovery Center to watch a tidal bore. I’ve never heard of a tidal bore until a few days ago. In case you haven’t, I’ll try to explain it. The tide pushes a large amount of water up this bay and because it’s shaped like a funnel, it gets pretty concentrated up at the narrower end of the bay. At low tide, the water is flowing out from the streams and rivers into the bay. However in high tide, there is so much water coming in so fast, it changes the direction of the water flow. There are actually waves where the water coming up meets the water flowing out.

Since there are only so many photos you can post of a tidal bore, I’ll pull out some weird ones, like my favorite – signs. Here one I found at yesterday’s campground.